Association of
of Asturias

An open collaboration framework aimed at technological progress and innovation as pillars of social and economic development.

Association of Bioenterprises of Asturias

El Camaleón de Rubik

C/ Manuel García Conde 3 – 1º Izq
33001 Oviedo – Asturias

Get to know us

The Association of Bioenterprises of Asturias, Bioasturias, brings together companies and entities linked to the life sciences sector and the development of products and services in this field. Its main objective is to establish an open framework for collaboration aimed at technological progress and innovation as pillars of social and economic development.

To this end, Bioasturias operates on a non-profit basis and is constituted with the ultimate purpose of enhancing activity and contributing to the improvement of its members’ results.


Get to know all the companies that are part of the  Association of Bioenterprises of Asturias, Bioasturias.

Areas of Activity

Dissemination activities

Promotion of agreements

Creation of Forums/Committees

Establish Alliances

Support for consolidation

Promote Unity

Expansion support

Business Consultant

Strategic Actions